Empowering Independent Employee
Associations & Unions Nationwide

Build a Better Tomorrow with the Working Assembly of Governmental Employees (WAGE)

Our mission is clear: to champion independent public employee organizations in charting their own course toward success.

We're committed to fostering autonomy, collaboration, and the highest ethical standards to help independent employee associations and unions thrive.

Explore our mission and vision, and see how we're making a difference in organizations across the U.S.

Get to Know WAGE

Discover the Benefits of WAGE Membership

Joining WAGE is about empowerment. Members gain access to resources, networking opportunities, and support designed to elevate organizational success.

Discover how WAGE membership can be a game-changer for public employee organizations.

Discover the benefits of WAGE membership

Together, We’re Stronger

At WAGE, we strongly believe in the potential of unity and collective strength. By collaborating with public employee organizations across the country, we amplify our voices and bring innovative solutions to the forefront.

Join us in exploring the possibilities of collaboration with like-minded organizations that are dedicated to the well-being of public workers.

Learn more about our member organizations

Unlock WAGE's Member Resources

From insightful presentations to actionable handouts, templates, and guides, public employee organizations can gain an edge and elevate success with the shared expertise of our speakers and our nationwide network.

Find out about WAGE’s resources

Upcoming Events

Connect with WAGE member organizations nationwide on our monthly Zoom meetings, and plan to be a part of our spring and fall gatherings in locations around the U.S. where face-to-face interactions spark new ideas and empower our national network.

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News & Updates

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We're shaping the future of public service.

Members of WAGE experience the strength of collaboration, the freedom of independence, and a wealth of resources.

Find out about our mission and vision

Learn about the benefits of WAGE membership

Read testimonials from our members

Discover how to join WAGE